aki (albumrelease) / Pokaz Trio

Meditative jazz

Unnumbered seats - club

19:00 Doors
20:15 aki (album release)
21:30 End

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For logistical reasons, Pokaz Trio will not make it to Ghent. Their concert is canceled. However, aki's album release will still take place. Ticket holders will be notified.

Meditative jazz

With aki, drummer Anke Verslype models visual music full of inventive, subtle layers. The unique combination of drums with harp, guitar and bass makes your ears prick up. They present their first poetic album in the company of reed player Joachim Badenhorst.

Aki have already received considerable praise for their EP Niobe (2020). The interplay is subtle and sober, with anchors in jazz and influences from chamber music. It creates a vast, cinematic and minimalist sound world. They master it so well that the music regularly guarantees surprising emotional headshots.

Pokaz Trio

Pokaz Trio belongs to the new wave of contemporary jazz in Ukraine. They combine jazz, classical and folk melodies with electronics. Their first album Kintsugi was released in 2019 on the Norwegian jazz label Losen Records. For the title track, they made a short film with the world-famous dancers of the "Apache Crew" (see below). From their upcoming album, the single Voices is out, their manifesto for freedom. 

"The energetically grooving contemporary Ukrainian piano trio ties together rhapsodic classical and Slavic folk melodies with contemporary beats and a Radiohead-type vibe." Jazzwise.com

Anke Verslype (drums), Willem Heylen (guitar / Cinema Paradiso), Marjolein Vernimmen (harp), Ruben De Maesschalck (bass / Bombataz), Joachim Badenhorst (clarinet)

Pokaz Trio
Andrew Pokaz (piano, composition), Eugene Myrmyr (bass), Alex Poliakov (drums)

a JazzLab Tour

photo © Monday Agbonzee Jr.



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