π van Piano ✨ masters in intimate circle

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Published on 17/01/24

A get-together with piano virtuosos 

Scattered throughout the month of May, Ha gathers a series of captivating voices from the piano landscape. Get to know these masters at π of Piano in an intimate setting - literally, as the audience takes their seats around the piano. 

The setting is the middle of the concert hall. In the circle around it, you get a unique perspective and a prime opportunity to see these talents at work up close. So make May a piano month and be surprised three times over.

π van Piano with Daan Vandewalle & Alvin Curran

Sitting around the musicians, with Era Ora - a saga for two pianos

20:15 Tickets

π van Piano with Alex Koo / Satoko Fujii

Take place around the musicians - Storytelling on piano

20:15 Tickets

π van Piano met Dorian Dumont plays Aphex Twin / Tania Giannouli

Sitting around the musicians - Ode to Aphex Twin + quirkiness trumps all.

20:15 Tickets



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